Friday, February 17, 2012

Lychee ( Litchi chinensis )

Fruit Warehouse | Lychee ( Litchi chinensis ) | The lychee is cultivated in China, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan, Bangladesh and northern India (in particular Bihar, the which accounts for 75% of total Indian production). South Africa and the United States (Hawaii and Florida) also have commercial lychee production.Wild trees still grow in parts of southern China and on Hainan Island. Of lychee cultivation began in the region of southern China, Malaysia, and northern Vietnam. Unofficial records refer to lychee in China as far back as 2000 BCE.

It is a tropical and subtropical fruit tree native to southern China and Southeast Asia, and now cultivated in many parts of the world. The fresh fruit has a "delicate, whitish pulp" with a "perfume" flavor. Since this perfumy flavor is lost in Canning, the fruit is usually eaten fresh. An evergreen tree reaching 10-28 meters tall, the lychee That bears fleshy fruits are up to 5 cm (2.0 in) long and 4 cm (1.6 in) wide. Lychees are eaten in many different dessert dishes, and are ESPECIALLY popular in China, throughout Southeast Asia, along with South Asia and India.

There was great demand for lychee in the Song Dynasty (960-1279), According to Ts'ai Hsiang, in his Li chi pu (Treatise on Lychees). The emperor had the fruit delivered at great expense to the capital. The lychee early attracted attention of European travelers. The Red Rind turns dark brown when the fruit is Refrigerated, but the taste is not affected. It Often dried lychee are called lychee nuts, though, of course, They are not a real nut. According to folklore, a lychee tree That is not producing much fruit can be girdled, leading to more fruit production.

There are Numerous lychee cultivars, with considerable confusion regarding Their naming and identification. The same cultivar grown in different climates can Produce very different fruit. Southeast Asian countries, along with Australia, use the original Chinese names for the main cultivars. India Grows more than a dozen different cultivars. South Africa Grows Mainly the 'Mauritius' cultivar.

Different cultivars of lychee are growing popular in the varying regions and countries. In China, popular cultivars include: Sanyuehong, Baitangying, Baila, Shuidong, Feizixiao, Dazou, Heiye, Nuomici, Guiwei, Huaizhi, Lanzhu, and Chenzi. Grows predominantly Australia Kohala, Chompoo, Haew, and Biew Kiew. India Grows more than a dozen named cultivars, Including Shahi (Highest Pulp%), Dehra Dun, Early Large Red, Kalkattia, Rose Scented.

The Lychee contains on average a total of 72 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams of fruit. On average nine lychee fruits would meet an adult's daily recommended Vitamin C requirement. A cup of lychee fruit provides, Among other minerals, 14% Daily Value (DV) of copper, 9% DV of phosphorus, and 6% DV of potassium (for a 2000-calorie diet). Lychees have moderate amounts of polyphenols, shown in one French study to be higher than other fruits Several analyzed.

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