Thursday, February 16, 2012


Fruit Warehouse | Rambutan | Budded trees may fruit after 2-3 years with optimum production occurring after 8-10 years. Trees grown from seed bear after 5-6 years. Rambutan trees bear fruit twice Annually, once in late fall and early winter with a shorter season in late spring and early summer. An average tree may Produce from 5.000 to 6.000 or more fruit (60-70 kg or 130-155 lb per tree). In Hawaii, 24 of 38 cultivated hectares (60 of 95 acres) were harvested producing 120 tonnes of fruit in 1997.

The rambutan (/ ræmbu tən ː /; taxonomic name: Nephelium lappaceum) is a medium-sized tropical tree in the family Sapindaceae. The fruit produced by the tree is also known as "rambutan." The name rambutan is derived from the Malay word rambutan, meaning "hairy". Rambutan are non-climacteric fruit - that is, They only ripen on the tree.

Most commercial cultivars are hermaphroditic (producing flowers That are female with a small percentage of male flowers); cultivars That Produce only functionally female flowers require the presence of male trees. Male trees are seldom found as vegetative selection has favored hermaphroditic clones That Produce a High Proportion of functionally female flowers and a much lower number of flowers That Produce pollen. Male flowers have yellow nectaries and 5-7 stamens. There are about 500 greenish-yellow flowers in each hermaphroditic panicle.

In Thailand, rambutan trees were first Planted in Surat Thani in 1926 by the Chinese Malay Mr.. K. An annual rambutan fair is held during August harvest time. Flowering periods differ for other Localities Initial fruit set may approach 25% but a high level of abortion contributes to a level much lower level of production at harvest (1 to 3%). The fruit matures 15-18 weeks after Flowering. Rambutan cultivation in Sri Lanka Mainly consists of small home gardens.

Both male and female flowers are faintly sweet scented and have functional nectaries at the ovary base. Female flowers Produce 2-3 times more nectar than male flowers. Rambutan is an Important nectar source for bees in Malaysia. Cross-pollination is a necessity Because anther is absent in most functionally female flowers.

In Malaysia, where only about one percent of the female flowers set fruit, research Revealed That no fruit is set on bagged flowers while hand pollination resulted in 13 percent fruit set. These studies further suggest That pollinators may maintain a fidelity to either male or hermaphroditic flowers (trees), Thus Spake limiting pollination and fruit set under natural conditions where crossing Between male and female flowers is required.

Aromatic rambutan flowers are highly attractive to many insects, ESPECIALLY bees. Apis cerana foraging on rambutan flowers Colonies Produce large quantities of honey. Bees foraging for nectar routinely contact the stigmata of female flowers and gather significant quantities of the sticky pollen from male blossoms. In Thailand, A. cerana is the preferred species for small scale pollination of rambutan.

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