Thursday, February 23, 2012

African mango ( Irvingia )

Fruit Warehouse | African mango ( Irvingia ) | The subtly aromatic nuts are dried in the sun Typically for preservation, and are sold whole or in powder form. They may be ground to a paste known variously as dika bread or Gabon chocolate. Their high content of mucilage enables them to be used as thickening agents for dishes Such as ogbono soup. The nuts may also be pressed for vegetable oil.

Irvingia gabonensis was demonstrated in a small double-blind placebo-controlled study, to result in the Greater weight loss and improved blood test results in human volunteers when compared with placebo. According to the study of  "the percentage of body fat was not significantly reduced with both placebo and IG "meaning the weight loss was not due to the loss of fat. Typically this indicates a loss of either: body fluid, muscle mass, bone mass, cerebral mass, or other non-adipose tissue.

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