Thursday, February 16, 2012

Banana ( Musa acuminata × balbisiana )

Fruit Warehouse | Banana ( Musa acuminata × balbisiana ) |  Banana is also used to describe Enset and Fe'i bananas, Neither of the which belong to the aforementioned species. In popular culture and commerce, "banana" usually refers to soft, sweet "dessert" bananas. By contrast, Musa cultivars with firmer, starchier fruit are called plantains or "cooking bananas".

Banana is the common name for herbaceous plants of the genus Musa and for the fruit They Produce.  Almost all modern parthenocarpic edible bananas come from the two wild species - Musa acuminata and Musa balbisiana. The scientific names of bananas are Musa acuminata, Musa balbisiana Musa hybrids or acuminata × balbisiana, depending on Their genomic constitution.

Southeast Asian farmers first domesticated bananas. Southeast Asia is the region of primary diversity of the banana. That there is linguistic evidence bananas were known in Madagascar around That time. The Buddhist Jataka story Vessantara briefly mentions the banana, the king Vessantara has found a banana tree (Among some other fruit trees) in the jungle, that bear bananas the size of an elephant's Tusk.

There is some textual evidence That the prophet Muhammad was familiar with bananas. By the 10th century the banana Appears in texts from Palestine and Egypt. In 650, Islamic conquerors Brought the banana to Palestine.  There are fuzzy bananas Whose skins are bubblegum pink; green-and-white striped bananas with pulp the color of orange sherbet; bananas that, when cooked, taste like strawberries.  All Widely cultivated bananas today descend from the two wild bananas Musa acuminata and Musa balbisiana.

Cultivated bananas are parthenocarpic, the which makes them sterile and Unable to Produce viable seeds. As a non-seasonal crop, bananas are available fresh year-round. Bananas are a staple starch for many tropical Populations. During the ripening process, bananas Produce a plant hormone called ethylene, the which indirectly affects the flavor.

The Greener, less RIPE bananas contain higher levels of starch and, consequently, have a "starchier" taste. On the other hand, yellow bananas taste sweeter due to higher sugar concentrations. Bananas are eaten deep fried, baked in their skins in a split bamboo, or steamed in glutinous rice wrapped in a banana leaf. Bananas can be made into an hour. Banana pancakes are popular amongst backpackers and other travelers in South Asia and Southeast Asia.

Banana chips are a snack produced from dehydrated or fried sliced banana or plantain, the which have a dark brown color and an intense banana taste. Dried bananas are also ground to the make banana flour. Fried bananas, fried bananas with a batter similar to the Filipino Maruya, is a popular dessert in Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia. A similar dish is known in the United States as banana fritters.

Seeded bananas (Musa balbisiana), one of the forerunners of the common domesticated banana, are sold in markets in Indonesia. Banana leaves are large, flexible, and waterproof. Banana ingestion may affect dopamine production in people deficient in the amino acid tyrosine, a precursor of dopamine present in bananas. Individuals with a latex allergy may experience a reaction to bananas.


  1. Hello, Do you know where I can find Fehi or Fe'i bananas? I'm in Florida.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
