Saturday, February 18, 2012

Peach ( Prunus persica )

Fruit Warehouse | Peach  ( Prunus persica ) | Prunus Persica, or peach trees, grow very well in a fairly limited range, since They have a chilling requirement can not satisfy That tropical areas. The trees can usually tolerate temperatures Themselves to around -26 to -30 ° C (-15 to -22 ° F), although the season's flower buds Following are usually killed at these temperatures, leading to no crop That summer. Flower bud kill begins to occur Between -15 and -25 ° C (5 and -13 ° F), depending on the cultivar (some are more cold-tolerant than others) and the timing of the cold, with the buds Becoming less cold tolerant in late winter. The trees growing niche to flower fairly early in spring. The peach tree, Prunus Persica, is a deciduous tree, native to China, where it was first cultivated. It bears an edible juicy fruit called a peach. The peach is a species of the genus Prunus. Prunus Persica belongs to the subfamily of the family Rosaceae Prunoideae.

Most peach trees sold by nurseries are named cultivars budded or grafted onto a rootstock Suitable. Trees can be grown from either a peach or nectarine seed, but the fruit quality of the resulting tree will be very unpredictable.When planting in rows, it is recommended to plant the rows north to south. For optimum growth, peach trees prefer a constant supply of water, the which should be Increased Shortly before harvest. The best-tasting fruit is produced when the peach is watered throughout the season.

Peaches have a high nutrient requirement, Needing more nitrogen than most other fruit trees. If the leaves of the peach are yellow or small, this is a sign That the tree needs more nitrogen. Blood meal and bone meal, 3-5 kilograms (6.6-11 lb) per mature tree, or calcium ammonium nitrate, 0.5-1 kg (1.1-2.2 lb), are Suitable Fertilizers. This also APPLIES if the tree is putting forth little growth. In dry conditions, extra watering is recommended.  A medium peach is 75 g (2.6 oz). As with many other members of the rose family, peach seeds contain cyanogenic glycosides, amygdalin Including (note the subgenus designation: Amygdalus).

Peach allergy or intolerance is a common form of Relatively hypersensitivity to proteins contained in peaches and related fruit (almonds). Symptoms range from local symptoms (eg oral allergy syndrome, contact urticaria) to systemic symptoms, Including anaphylaxis (eg urticaria, angioedema, gastrointestinal and respiratory symptoms).  Adverse reactions are related to the "Freshness" of the fruit: peeled or canned fruit may be tolerated.

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