Thursday, February 23, 2012

Salmonberry ( Rubus spectabilis )

Fruit Warehouse | Salmonberry ( Rubus spectabilis ) | The fruit matures in late summer to early autumn, and resembles a large yellow to orange-red raspberry 1.5-2 cm long with many drupelets. Rubus spectabilis (Salmonberry) is a species of Rubus native to the west coast of west central North America from Alaska to California. The leaf margins are toothed. In Kodiak, Alaska, orange salmonberries are Often Referred to as "Russian berries". Plain salmonberries are found as far north as Kivalina, Alaska.

Salmonberries are edible and share the structure of the raspberry fruit, with the fruit pulling away from its Receptacle. Traditionally, the berries were eaten with salmon, or mixed with grease or salmon roe oolichan. It is Widely grown as an ornamental plant for its flowers. Salmonberry is easily grown from layering, basal sprouting, rhizomes, root cuttings, and hardwood cuttings. Small offshoots from the parent plant growing under four feet tall are easily transplanted. Store hardwood cuttings over winter in damp peat moss of Sawdust; this promotes callusing and prevents desiccation. As with hardwood cuttings of other species, vigorous rooting can be enhanced in Rubus species by using a liquid rooting hormone and burying the cuttings in damp wood shavings.

Salmonberry can be grown from fresh seed. Extract seeds by macerating in water and floating off the pulp and empty seeds. Seed should be Planted in the fall. A warm Stratification of 20-30 ° C is Necessary for spring-sown seeds, although fall sowing provides best germination. Seeds need 90 days of cold Stratification at 36-41 ° F to break seed dormancy. Seeds per pound: 315.255.

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