Thursday, February 16, 2012

Strawberry ( Fragaria × ananassa )

Fruit Warehouse | Strawberry ( Fragaria × ananassa ) | The strawberry is, in technical terms, an aggregate accessory fruit, meaning the fleshy part That is not derived from the plant's ovaries but from the "Receptacle" that holds the ovaries. Strawberry cultivars Vary Widely in size, color, flavor, shape, degree of fertility, season of ripening, liability to disease and constitution of plant.


The garden strawberry, Fragaria × ananassa, is a hybrid species cultivated worldwide for That is its fruit, the (common) strawberry. Artificial strawberry aroma is also Widely used in many industrialized food products. Cultivars of Fragaria × ananassa have replaced, in commercial production, the woodland strawberry, the which was the first strawberry species cultivated in the early 17th century.

For purposes of commercial production, plants are propagated from runners (stolons) and, in general, distributed as either bare root plants or plugs. Plants, usually obtained from northern nurseries, are Planted through holes punched in this covering, and irrigation tubing is run underneath. Because strawberry plants more than a year or two old begin to decline in productivity and fruit quality, this system of Replacing the plants each year allows for improved yields and denser plantings.

It has lower investment costs, and lower overall maintenance requirements. Plants grown in compost socks have been shown to Produce significantly higher oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC), flavonoids, anthocyanins, fructose, glucose, sucrose, malic acid, and citric acid than fruit produced in the black plastic mulch or matted row systems.

Strawberries are Often grouped According To Their Flowering habit. Traditionally, this has consisted of a division between "June-bearing" strawberries, the which Their bear fruit in the early summer and "ever-bearing" strawberries, the which bear Often Several crops of fruit throughout the season. Day-neutral cultivars Produce flowers regardless of the photoperiod.

A few seed-propagated cultivars have been developed for home use, and research into commercially growing from seed is ongoing. Seeds (achenes) are acquired either via commercial seed suppliers, or by collecting and saving them from the fruit. Strawberries can also be grown indoors in strawberry pots. Most strawberry plants are now fed with artificial Fertilizers, both before and after harvesting, and Often before planting in plasticulture.

The delicate strawberries are still harvested by hand. Strawberry plants can fall victim to a number of diseases. The fruits are subject to damage from gray mold, Rhizopus rot, and leather rot. The plants can also develop disease from Temperature Extremes during winter. When watering your strawberries, be sure to water only the roots and not the leaves, as moisture on the leaves encourages growth of fungus.

Some people experience an anaphylactoid reaction to the consumption of strawberries. White-fruited strawberry cultivars, lacking Fra a1, may be an option for strawberry allergy sufferers. A virtually allergen-free cultivar named 'sofar' is available.


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