Friday, March 2, 2012

Pili Nut ( Canarium ovatum )

Fruit Warehouse | Pili Nut ( Canarium ovatum ) | The skin (exocarp) is smooth, thin, shiny, and turns Purplish black fruit ripens when the; the pulp (mesocarp) is fibrous, fleshy, and greenish yellow in color, and the hard shell (endocarp) within Protects a normally dicotyledonous embryo . The basal end of the shell (endocarp) is pointed and the apical end is more or less blunt; Between the seed and the hard shell (endocarp) is a thin, brownish, fibrous seed coat developed from the inner layer of the endocarp.

This thin coat usually adheres tightly to the shell and / or the seed. Kernels from some trees may be bitter, fibrous or have a turpentine odor.  The pili tree is an attractive symmetrically shaped evergreens, averaging 20 m (66 ft) tall with resinous wood and resistance to strong winds. As in papaya and rambutan, functional hermaphrodites exist in pili. Flowering of pili is frequent and fruits ripen through a prolonged period of time.

In 1977, the Philippines exported approximately 3.8 t of pili preparation to Guam and Australia.The most Important product from pili is the kernel. Pili kernel is also used in chocolate, ice cream, and baked goods. Nutritionally, the kernel is high in calcium, phosphorus, and potassium, and rich in fats and protein.  The young shoots and the fruit pulp are edible. Boiled pili pulp resembles the sweet potato in texture, it is oily (about 12%) and is Considered to have food value similar to the avocado.

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