Saturday, February 18, 2012

postheadericon Dewandaru fruit

Fruit Warehouse | Dewandaru fruit | Dewandaru own leaf-shaped oval with a tapered tip and base. Leaves and fruit of this plant is used to treat diarrhea, rheumatism, antidiabetic and anti-cholesterol. Fruit and leaves dewandaru proven to prevent the emergence of cancer or a tumor. Red fruit dewandaru show that in it there is the content of certain...
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postheadericon Kepel fruit ( Stelechocarpus burahol )

Fruit Warehouse | Kepel fruit | In medicine, the fruit serves as a laxative urine, preventing inflammation of the kidneys and cause infertility (temporary) in women. Kepel is a beautiful ornamental tree, the leaves are emerging simultaneously changed from pale pink to red to purple before it turns again into a brilliant green....
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postheadericon Buni fruit ( Antidesma bunius )

Fruit Warehouse | Buni fruit | Seeds flat with a rib-shaped nets. Young leaves taste slightly acidic, can be eaten raw or as in vegetable lalab. In salad young fruit with other fruit, is a cook can be eaten directly, extracted with brandy, made jam or syrup....
READ MORE - Buni fruit ( Antidesma bunius )

postheadericon Mundu ( Garcinia dulcis )

Fruit Warehouse | Mundu ( Garcinia dulcis ) | Mundu plants (Garcinia dulcis) in the form of short-trunked tree with a maximum height of 13-15 meters with a conical crown upward. Mundu rod-shaped twig almost covered many square is easily broken and fluffy. Mundu fruit is round with the top and bottom slightly tapered with a diameter between 5-8 cm....
READ MORE - Mundu ( Garcinia dulcis )

postheadericon Rumbia fruit ( Metroxylon sagu )

Fruit Warehouse | Rumbia fruit  ( Metroxylon sagu ) | Leaves large, pinnate compound, up to 7 m long, with long leaves children lk. 1.5 m; long-stemmed and midrib air. As gebang, sago palm flower and fruit once (monocarpic) and it was dead. Cob wreath shape, length up to 5 m. Monoecious (monoesis), less good-smelling flowers thatch...
READ MORE - Rumbia fruit ( Metroxylon sagu )

postheadericon Kelubi fruit ( Eleiodoxa conferta )

Fruit Warehouse | Kelubi fruit ( Eleiodoxa conferta ) | Soak in 1 liter of boiled water. Wash the fruit the which has brooded and soak in sugar syrup is a new solution. The trick simply by mixing the pulp with other ingredients When this palm is cultivated it demands generous water, and rich, acidic soil and shade or filtered light. In habitat, the...
READ MORE - Kelubi fruit ( Eleiodoxa conferta )

postheadericon Kemunting fruit

Fruit Warehouse | Kemunting fruit | They were green when young and turn red and purple when fully ripe fruit. Fill purple fruit and seed lots (like guava) but small because of only his thumb so remember the little girl. Bring plastic, carry basket, we just take pieces of armor kemunting hunting.&nbs...
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postheadericon Rumbai fruit ( Baccaurea motleyana )

Fruit Warehouse | Rumbai fruit  ( Baccaurea motleyana ) | The staminate racemes are up to 15 centimeters long and the pistillate Inflorescences may reach 75 centimeters in length. The fruits are each 2 to 5 centimeters long and about two wide and grow in strands. Each fruit has velvety pinkish, yellow, or brown skin wrinkles at ripening and...
READ MORE - Rumbai fruit ( Baccaurea motleyana )

postheadericon Artocarpus integer ( Cempedak )

Fruit Warehouse | Artocarpus integer ( Cempedak ) | The large edible arils surrounding the seeds are yellow, orange or green in color. The green skin is thin and leathery, with patterned hexagons That are either flat or raised protuberances like jackfruit skin. Cempedak fruits can also be found and bought in Singapore. The seeds can be boiled and...
READ MORE - Artocarpus integer ( Cempedak )

postheadericon Peach ( Prunus persica )

Fruit Warehouse | Peach  ( Prunus persica ) | Prunus Persica, or peach trees, grow very well in a fairly limited range, since They have a chilling requirement can not satisfy That tropical areas. The trees can usually tolerate temperatures Themselves to around -26 to -30 ° C (-15 to -22 ° F), although the season's flower buds Following are...
READ MORE - Peach ( Prunus persica )

postheadericon Lemon ( Citrus × limon )

  Fruit Warehouse | lemon ( Citrus × limon ) | The exact origin of the lemon has remained a mystery, though it is Widely Presumed That lemons first grew in Southern India, northern Burma, and China. In Denmark, Lemon is used in day to day life for Various purposes. Either lemon pickle or mango pickle is part of everyday lunch meal in Southern...
READ MORE - Lemon ( Citrus × limon )

postheadericon Macadamia ( Macadamia integrifolia )

Fruit Warehouse | Macadamia ( Macadamia integrifolia ) | The flowers are produced in a long, slender, simple raceme 5-30 cm long, the individual flowers 10-15 mm long, white to pink or purple, with four tepals. Common names include macadamia, macadamia nut, Queensland nut, bush nut, nut maroochi, queen of nuts and nut bauple; Indigenous Australian...
READ MORE - Macadamia ( Macadamia integrifolia )

postheadericon Inocarpus fagifer ( Buah Gayam )

Fruit Warehouse | Inocarpus fagifer ( Buah Gayam ) | Produced singly or in clusters, They weigh 50-110 g and are 46-130 mm long, 34-120 mm wide, and 40 mm thick. The smooth skin a fibrous shell covers the which holds the kernel. As the fruits ripen Their color changes from green to yellow or orange-brown. The mature fruits are usually indehiscent....
READ MORE - Inocarpus fagifer ( Buah Gayam )

postheadericon Red fruit ( Pandanus conoideus )

Fruit Warehouse | Red fruit ( Pandanus conoideus ) | Oval-shaped fruit cultivars with leaves covered with fruit buds.  For people in Wamena, red fruit for the food served on the party burns custom stone. Traditionally, Red Fruit of the ancient hereditary been consumed as efficacious in curing many diseases such as preventing various eye diseases,...
READ MORE - Red fruit ( Pandanus conoideus )

postheadericon Cocoa ( Theobroma cacao )

  Fruit Warehouse | Cocoa ( Theobroma cacao ) | Cocoa flower, as other members of the Sterculiaceae, grew directly out of the trunk (cauliflorous). Perfect flowers are small (maximum diameter 3 cm), single, but appeared strung as they often arise from a number of flower buds point. Pollinated flowers ready within a few days. Cocoa in general are...
READ MORE - Cocoa ( Theobroma cacao )

postheadericon Tin of fruit

Fruit Warehouse | Tin of fruit | Habitat of trees, large and can grow up to 10m with soft stems gray. The so-called fruit is actually a flower that forms the basis of spheres. Some cultivars change color to purple when ripe. Removed tree sap can irritate the skin. Tin fruit can be eaten fresh, dried, or made jam. In Bengali tin processed fruit as...
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postheadericon Mahoni

Fruit Warehouse | Mahoni | Meanwhile, saponins have efficacy for the prevention of plague, it could be to reduce the fat in the body, helps boost the immune system, prevent blood clotting, and strengthen heart function and slow the blood clotting process. Mahogany properties that can survive on arid land make it suitable trees planted on the...
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postheadericon Cucumber ( Cucumis sativus )

Fruit Warehouse | Cucumber ( Cucumis sativus ) | Having an enclosed seed and developing from a flower, botanically speaking, cucumbers are classified as fruits. cucumbers are usually more than 90% water. A few varieties of cucumber are parthenocarpic, the blossoms creating seedless fruit without pollination. Pollination for these varieties degrades...
READ MORE - Cucumber ( Cucumis sativus )

postheadericon Tomato ( Solanum lycopersicum )

Fruit Warehouse | Tomato  ( Solanum lycopersicum )| The tomato is native to South America. Genetic evidence shows the progenitors of tomatoes were herbaceous green plants with small green fruit and a center of diversity in the highlands of Peru. The first domesticated tomato may have been a little yellow fruit, similar in size to a cherry...
READ MORE - Tomato ( Solanum lycopersicum )

postheadericon Coconut ( Cocos nucifera )

Fruit Warehouse | Coconut ( Cocos nucifera ) | Flowers compound arranged on the circuit that is protected by bractea; there are male and female flowers, monoecious, the female flowers are located at the base of the bouquet, while the male flowers are far from the base. Fruit large, diameter 10 cm to 20 cm or even more, yellow, green, or brown;...
READ MORE - Coconut ( Cocos nucifera )
Abiu Açaí palm Acmena smithii African mango Amelanchier alnifolia American Chestnut American Pawpaw American Persimmon Anacardium occidentale Ananas comosus Annona muricata Annona squamosa Antidesma bunius Apple Apricot Arbutus Areca catechu Arhat Artocarpus altilis Artocarpus heterophyllus Artocarpus integer Asimina triloba Australian Finger Lime Averrhoa bilimbi Avocado Babaco Baccaurea motleyana Bactris gasipaes Bacuri Banana Barbadine Beach Plum Belimbing wuluh Betel Nut Black Apple Black cherry black sapote black walnut Blackberry Blackcurrant blood orange Blue Lilly Pilly Blueberry Bolwarra Bottle Gourd Bouea macrophylla Breadfruit Brush Cherry Buah cengkeh Buah Gayam Buah merah Buah pinang Buddha's hand Buni fruit Bush tomato C. maxima Canarium ovatum Cantaloupe Cantalupensis Carambola Carica papaya Carrot Castanea dentata Ceiba pentandra Cempedak Certain Solanum Cherry Chilean guava Choke cherry Citrullus lanatus Citrus × floridana Citrus grandis Citrus hystrix Citrus limon Citrus medica var. sarcodactylus Citrus paradis Citrus reticulata Citrus sinensis Cloudberry Clove Cocoa Coconut Cocos nucifera Coffea Coffea arabica Cranberry Crowberry Cucumber Cucumis sativus Cydonia oblonga Daucus carota Dewandaru fruit Diospyros digyna Diospyros virginiana Dragon Fruit Duku Durian Durio oxleyanus Elderberry Eleiodoxa conferta Empetrum nigrum Eriobotrya japonica Eugenia smithii Eupomatia laurina Euterpe oleracea Flacourtia inermis Fragaria ananassa Fruit Gandaria Garcinia dulcis Garcinia mangostana Gnetum gnemon Gooseberry Grape Guava Inocarpus fagifer Irvingia Jack Jackfruit Jamblang Jambu Bol Jambu mete Jeruk kingkit Jeruk purut Juglans nigra Kaffir Lime Kapok Kecapi fruit Kedondong Kelengkeng Kelubi fruit Kemunting fruit Kepel fruit Kerantongan Kiwifruit Kurma Lagenaria siceraria Langsat Lansium domesticum Lemon Lilly Pilly Limau kunci Limeberry Limequat Limonia trifolia Lingonberry Litchi chinensis Litsea Litsea garciae Lobi-lobi Loquat Lychee Macadamia Madrono Mahoni Malus domestica Mammea americana Mammee apple Mamoncillo Mandarin orange Mangifera caesia Mango Mangosteen Manilkara zapota Melicoccus bijugatus Melinjo Melon pear Melons Metroxylon sagu Microcitrus australasica Morinda citrifolia Mundu Musa acuminata balbisiana Nona fruit Noni Olea europaea Olive Orange Orange Bali Palm fruit Pandanus conoideus Passiflora ligularis Peach Peach palm Pear Persea americana Persimmon Pili Nut Pineapple Pir Pitaya Platonia insignis Pomegranate pomelo Pouteria australis Pouteria caimito Prunus armeniaca Prunus avium Prunus maritima Prunus persica Prunus serotina Prunus virginiana Psidium guajava Punica granatum Quince Rambutan Red fruit Redcurrant Ribes nigrum Ribes rubrum Ribes uva-crispa Rose hip Rowan Rubus argutus Rubus chamaemorus Rubus spectabilis Rumbai fruit Rumbia fruit Salak Salmonberry Sambucus nigra Sapodilla Saskatoon berry Sea buckthorn shew Siraitia grosvenorii Solanum lycopersicum Solanum muricatum Soursop Spondias mombin Srikaya Star fruit vegetables Starfruit Stelechocarpus burahol Strawberry Sugar-apple Sukun Syzygium aromaticum Syzygium cumini Syzygium jambos Syzygium malaccense Syzygium oleosum Syzygium paniculatum Tangelo Terminalia catappa Theobroma cacao Tin of fruit Tomato Tropical Almond Ugli fruit Ugni molinae Vaccinium Oxycoccus Vaccinium vitis-idaea Watermelon Wine
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